Already Booked a Bus Trip:
Resources for You

Add Extra People to Your Booking

  • Want to add extra people to your bus trip booking?
    Here are some points to note before calling us:
  1. As long as we still have space you can add extra people to your booking.
  2. If you already fill an apartment / bedroom etc.. then we might be able to shift your booking to another apartment / bedroom so you are still all together. You can discuss this with us when you call to add extra people.
  3. Please NEVER assume we are full and you cannot add anyone - even if a trip was actually full at some stage we may have had cancellations and hence space may come up.
  4. You will need to send us a booking form with the extra person's (or people's) details on it. Use the "special booking form" option - this is a question in one of the top sections of the excel booking form.
  5. Of course the extra person/people will need to pay - if the "balance due" date has passed or is approaching then full payment will be required. You can discuss how quickly this will come when you call to add people.
Ski Kaos Bus Trips, Information Helpline

Phone us
to add people

  • We have 24-hour time-stamped voicemail
Ski Kaos Bus Trips, Information Email

Email us
to add people

  • If it is just one person to add you can email us.
  • Feel free to attached the extra people's booking form to your email.
  • Please include your trip date and a phone number in your email.
  • Ph. 02-9908-8111
  • 24hours/7days